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Insider Tips for a Successful Volunteer Abroad Experience

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Successful Volunteer Abroad Experience

Who doesn’t want to explore the beauties of this universe, the natural abundance? Volunteering overseas brings you cherishable memories with a vast range of knowledge to feed on. Volunteering overseas is an amazing experience - you get to see new places, help others, and grow as a person. Before that you should do some prep work, ofcourse to make sure your volunteer trip is awesome from start to finish. This guide shares insider tips so you can nail your volunteer adventure abroad.

Get Ready You Should Do Your Research

  1. You have to learn about the local culture, customs and way of life where you're heading. Knowing simple phrases in their language can really help you out if you want to fit in well. And you should look into any health stuff like vaccines you might need for the commute.


  1. Pick the Right Program. Try to find an opportunity that fits your skills and interests, do it because you like it and not just for the sake of doing it. You can make sure the volunteer organization is legit by checking their reviews.


  1. Budget Wisely. Don’t blindly fixate on anything. Make sure you know exactly what fees you're paying and what's included so you can budget correctly. You should have enough for daily costs like food and transport too. And you should always have some emergency cash stashed away just in case.


  1. Pack Smart. Make sure you have all the right docs like a passport and visa for your visit. You can bring any approved meds and a mini first-aid kit too. And you should pack clothes suited to the climate and culture.


  1. You should get all the recommended vaccines before you go. See your doctor for a check-up too. You can note down local emergency numbers while you're there for emergencies.


  1. When you arrive, get settled by taking your time. Get comfortable with your living situation. You should spend some time exploring your local area, finding key spots like stores and hospitals. But most importantly you have to be respectful of local customs and make sure you don’t hurt anybody’s sentiments.


  1. Make genuine connections. Getting to know the local community you're helping is so rewarding. You can also connect with fellow volunteers for support and build new friendships, new bonds. Practice the local language as much as you can, you’ll be the one in profit.


  1. During your stay, work hard and understand what's expected of you and you should give it your all. Be flexible if plans change instead of sticking to one. You should always keep communicating with the staff and other volunteers for a safer stay.


  1. Stay Safe. Be aware of your surroundings and you should avoid sketchy areas. Take care of your health by eating right, staying hydrated and resting up. Make sure you know what to do if an emergency happens, and if you have read the 5th point well, you know what to do.


  1.  Immerse yourself in the culture as much as possible - you can go to local events, try new foods, just go exploring! You should take time to reflect on what you're learning too. Spending this time with yourself overseas will also help you self reflect on your journey.


  1. After the Trip Keep In Touch Stay connected to the amazing people you met. You can share stories about your trip with others. You can think about how you can keep supporting the community, even from home.


  1.  Look for chances to volunteer locally. You can spread awareness about the causes you got involved with. Or keep donating to the organization you went through if you can. 


  1.  Put It to Use Note all the skills you developed so you can boost your resume. You should think about how this trip helped you grow as a person. You can also reach out to the connections you made for new opportunities.

Our team has years of experience setting up impactful volunteer trips across causes like teaching, healthcare, conservation and community development. We prioritize sustainable practices so you can be sure your presence really helps communities in need and you find your wanderlust purpose.

We'll support you fully before, during and after your volunteer trip to make it an incredibly rewarding experience. You just have to stay proactive, believe in keeping an open mind and a positive attitude, and you can have an amazing cross-cultural adventure locked in memories of a lifetime for sure!

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